Since 2009, when we had our first Worship Retreat, God has used the Retreat time to minister to us as individuals, and as a team. In His grace, He has always used the time away to help us realise that we are in His grand plan and He has ways He desires to use us. At the end of every year, normally the week before Christmas, we travel as a team to a place away from the normal environment and spend time together with God. The Retreat normally involves games, sports and fun activities, as well as rehearsal time, worship, and reflection on the past year. In 2013, we were joined by Jesus Saves Inc. from Nairobi, and God used that time to bond us as a team but also as family in the Kingdom. 

We worship God in humble submission as His children, knowing that Our Creator hears, desires and accepts our worship, gratefully acknowledging that as we spend time in His presence, we are convicted, refreshed, encouraged or directed, according to the will of our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. 

(Romans 12:1)

P.O.Box 2322
Kampala (U)
Mobile: +256-703-317-713
Phone: +256-414-570-122