


Oli mukulu(You are great)

Oli mukulu (You are great)

Oli mukulu (You are great)

Tolemelerwa (You never fails)

Oli mukulu (You are great)

Oli mukulu (You are great)

Oli mukulu (You are great)

Wewunyisa (You are amazing)


Mukitbwa kyo (in Your glory)

Ne mumanyi go (in Your power)

Yesu tewali (Jesus no one)

Akwenkana (compares to You)


Onnunula (You save me)

Onwanira (You fight for me)

Ompanguza (You make me victorious)

Ooh ooh

Tolemelerwa (You never fail)


Written by Mwaka Emmanuel


You and I can bear witness that there are no dead ends with God. He is that spot of light that guides our way through the tunnel. I have found God never late, never early, but always right on time.

The song ‘Oli Mukulu’ was birthed from an incident in my life where, just when I was about to finish my course at my institute of study, I was crossing the road, as always looking left and right. I had reached mid-way across the road when a car at full speed hit me, as it tried to dodge a pot hole. It took me by surprise and the next thing I knew, there I lay in the middle of the road, helpless and wondering what had just happened, as cars passed me by. Immediately, I tried to stand up, only to see blood dripping off my head and hands; then I heard a lady across the road telling me, “don’t move, you’re bleeding.” At that moment, dazed and full of confusion, in a state where another car could easily knock me over, I was helped by the lady to reach the side of the road. She helped me to lie down then reached for my phone to call someone related to me. After a while, my sister came and I was rushed to the hospital. I didn’t see the lady who helped me thereafter and I realised it was God who saw me through this incident. I had sustained serious cuts to my head, hands and waist, but though I had a scan done on my head to check for any damage, thankfully, there was none.

The fact that I was alive made me proclaim out loud, “Oli Mukulu Mukama!” meaning, ‘you are great Lord.’ This phrase resonated in my head and I started humming a melody which later led me to write the song oli mukulu

I believe I live today because God helped me through that accident, and my life is lived to the glory of God. When God starts something in your life, He gives you the grace to accomplish it. Towards the end of the song, ‘Oli Mukulu,’ it says God delivers me, fights for me and makes me victorious. I know that God saved me and brought me through that situation and I still see Him fight for me today and through Him, I am made victorious. Truly, Lord, ‘Oli Mukulu.’

We worship God in humble submission as His children, knowing that Our Creator hears, desires and accepts our worship, gratefully acknowledging that as we spend time in His presence, we are convicted, refreshed, encouraged or directed, according to the will of our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. 

(Romans 12:1)

P.O.Box 2322
Kampala (U)
Mobile: +256-703-317-713
Phone: +256-414-570-122