Raising: With God on our side, we hope to raise music ministers in all categories. Our first category is those who have never been exposed at all to their gifting in music, so we hope to help them appreciate their skill and grow in it. Then, there are those who did realise their gifting in the past but perhaps took a wrong turn, and we want to help them come back to a worship lifestyle. Romans 6 - 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. The last category is for those who know the gifting with which the Lord has blessed them and are trying to develop it; so we hope to help raise them by involving them in different church ministries. We desire to nurture the worshipper in each person we meet, and help them realise their God-given identity as someone made to revere the High King of Heaven. Amen.

Generational: The STUDiO_10 vision is to be carried on even after our generation. This demands us to set a firm foundation, and what better way than to have Jesus Christ as our foundation. We are forward looking, and hope to have this ministry grow even with generations to come. Amen.

Worshippers: “God is spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth”. John 4:24 (NIV) We believe that God has placed a space in the hearts of every single person in the entire human race, and this gap can only be filled when, in Spirit and Truth, we worship God and God alone. We have all tried to fill this gap with gods, pleasure, money, friends, and so on. After a while, they all fade and we find ourselves lost and in the dark once again.  Only God can fill that gap; He is the only perfect fit to make us whole. We hope to help all people realise this and start trusting and worshipping the one true God, Yahweh. Amen.

Why STUDiO Number 10?

"STUDiO": Our understanding of the word STUDiO is "FAMILY". We are building a family of worshippers who use their God-given gifts and talents to glorify the only person who deserves our whole hearted worship and devotion – the Lord God. We are a family that is growing and continually offering up whatever gifts and abilities God has given us, not just one day a week, but all the time and any time. We do hope that, as God leads and provides, we may also one day have a fully equipped recording studio, or at least regular access to one, for recording Christian music.

“The number 10”: alongside various meanings, we see 10 as standing for ‘judgment’ or ‘weigh’. In relation to STUDiO_10, we put the gifts and talents God has graced us with on one side of the scale and how much we have exploited them to glorify God on the other. At STUDiO_10 we are humbled that the Lord has given us our talents and pray He gives us the grace and ability to make that scale balance in favour of pleasing the Master. “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Mathew 25:21 (NIV)

Additionally, ten can be taken as a complete number, from the view that it combines 4, the day God completed the creation of the material world, and 6, the number of man (created on the 6th day) http://www.biblestudy.org/bibleref/meaning-of-numbers-in-bible/10.html. This means that the number 10 indicates completeness, responsibility and testimony.  We take our calling seriously and wish to wholly fulfill this ministry, by God’s grace and for His glory. 

We worship God in humble submission as His children, knowing that Our Creator hears, desires and accepts our worship, gratefully acknowledging that as we spend time in His presence, we are convicted, refreshed, encouraged or directed, according to the will of our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. 

(Romans 12:1)

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