Studio_10 is a Christ-centred family who meet together to worship the Lord in the presence of fellow believers. As a ministry, we make it our aim to visit different Christian-founded bodies to lead people into fellowship with the Holy Spirit. We are driven by love – for beautiful music that brings us into God’s presence, for our awesome Father in Heaven, and for His people.

I would love you to know that absolutely anyone with a passion to spread the gospel through worship and ministry is more than welcome to join us. We love you, even though we do not yet know you. Our mission dwells on establishing a culture and lifestyle of worship in the hearts of all children of God.

Today is your day. Get up and serve the Lord. Take up this righteous and just cause and your reward will know no limits. A preacher once said that, "a car cannot be steered in the right direction if it's parked in a garage. However full of petrol it may be, it needs to be on the road for the right course to be taken. Get up and show the Lord what you can do for Him, and He shall direct your path." I know of no one on earth who has no talent at all. At least everyone can smile, which alone can be a great way of expressing God’s love. Just try it and see for yourself; how you can make somebody’s day with a simple grin or a heartfelt hug.

Follow us and our activities on this website. Join us if you will, and together, we will climb this mountain with our arms wide open

Joseph Lagen

We worship God in humble submission as His children, knowing that Our Creator hears, desires and accepts our worship, gratefully acknowledging that as we spend time in His presence, we are convicted, refreshed, encouraged or directed, according to the will of our Father in Heaven.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. 

(Romans 12:1)

Establishing A Worship Lifestyle & Culture in our Generation

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Colossians 2: 6-7)

P.O.Box 2322
Kampala (U)
Mobile: +256-703-317-713
Phone: +256-414-570-122